Paratrooper Digital

Getting started with Kinect and Flash.

Working with basic Kinect in flash is as easy as working with TUIO in flash. We’ve written a few things to get people started with TUIO and they all apply here.

Before you know it you’ll be making fun things like this:

After you’ve gotten started with TUIO, you’ll need a different application for grabbing/transforming the data from a Kinect into TUIO data that can be consumed by your application.

There are several out there that we’ve looked into:

  • TUIO Kinect

    Gets up and running after the OS X installation, but we found that the point data was backwards; moving your hand left made the touch points move right. There’s configuration for defining the foreground and background clipping planes for where someone needs to break to trigger point detection. It sends 2d cursor information including acceleration vectors.

  • Kinect CCV

    Gets up and running after the OS X installation, some issues that need reboots to get it to work again. Great that it can detect finger points in addition to just blobs. Also allows for near plane and far plane clipping definitions. Dispatches 2d cursors, no depth information.

  • OpenNI

    Tracks a skeleton to know if a hand is near the body of the person, no matter if they are far or close to the camera, great when you don’t want to have ndear and far clipping planes. There’s options for dispatching depth information along with it. The downloadable didn’t work for us, requires native compile.

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About Nate Frank

Nate is currently a Senior Presentation Layer Architect at Razorfish Chicago. As an SPLA Nate: participates in technology leadership team and resource allocations, manage fulltime and contractor resources, represents technology for groups of brands across multiple clients, furthers development of standards within the office, architects project implementations and fosters community and mentoring.

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