Part 9: Project Cleanup, Kubernetes Starter
Written August 23rd, 2024 by Nathan Frank

Photo source by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash
This article picks up from the eighth article: Full Project Setup in the Kubernetes Starter series.
Full setup hands on
Let's cleanup the project now that we are done. As we use a combination of kubernetes and helm we don't want to just delete the namespaces and call it done.
Removing namespaces directly while using Helm will lead to dangling resources that can't be deleted and likely a cluster that can't have these namespaces reused.
Follow these instructions to prevent having to find and cleanup finalizing resources.
Uninstall the environments first
If you've run the helm environments
Check the status with
, multiple times if needed until resources have been deleted.
Uninstall the main instance and shared elements
Run the
helper scriptCheck the status by running the
helper scriptSee numerous entries like
No resources found in sample-vault namespace
Delete the PVC (Persistent Volume Claim)
In our case deleting this is fine, but in production this could delete the storage with other secrets in it.
kubectl delete pvc data-sample-vault-0 -n sample-vault
Verify the PV is removed with
helper script
Delete the last remaining namespace
kubectl delete ns sample-vault
This step is manual as the PVC removal was manual as well.
If you've deleted a namespace that contained resources managed by helm
This can sometimes lead to issues where Helm can not be uninstalled, but there's dangling resources that need to be removed.
Run this to find the non finalized resources:
1kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found -n sample
is the namespace in question.Delete each one with the following:
1kubectl patch -n sample vault-kv-app -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' --type=merge
is a type of object andvault-kv-app
is the name of the object that isn't getting deleted.
Wrap up
We've got an understanding on how to clean up the cluster we've been using along the way.
Moving along
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