Kinect Exploration
Building on our history of spatial interaction of course we took a look at Kinect sensors and how we could create experiences that used 3D cameras to power interactivity.
Skeletal debug tracking
We used the Kinect software libraries to determine:
Where the hands were
Know if they were new hands or existing hands and assign ids
Understand their current position, last positions, and position history
Calculate their velocity
Create vectors of representing their speed and motion
Air brush painting
Skeletal detection provided position data for a user's hands, which we then used to drive painting that would fade on the canvas over time. The more someone moved, the more the canvas would remain painted.
When a hand was lost and then discovered we randomly changed the color of the brush.
Abstract painting is fun, but how could we make it more interesting? Physics.
We used a physics engine: Box2d, to create a series of virtual balloons and then used skeletal input to push the balloons around and into the virtual air. These balloons floated down with gravity to continue the play.
Demo video
A short video featuring our Kinect exploration in action.
Legacy lab experimentation (older than 2020)
Lab descriptions and details currently not available online, please reach out to discuss.