Particle field around black hole with icon of a rocket ship launching

Multi touch table

Multitouch table

At a time before touch interface technology became commoditized, it was cost prohibative to experiment with to actually use high resolution touch or multi touch LCD monitors. Our past interests in new interfaces launched an exploration into FTIR multitouch tables using IR LEDs. In our case it was one that used a projector and web cameras to project content and detect touches and turn them into events that an experience could leverage.

Multitouch table

Here we see the sizing of the table compared to an average person in front and side views which helps us understand the projector positioning.

Multitouch table

This diagram shows the base framing on rollers to be able to move it around as well as the top framing that the projector would connect with. It also shows the calculations on the projector based on the distance from the plexiglass to achieve the table size desired.

Multitouch table

Here we can see details about the frame of the top table, how the supports come together, got the top would rotate and how the down frame suport would extend for the projector to connect to. The framing would all be sized for 2x4s to keep prototype costs down.

Legacy lab experimentation (older than 2020)

Lab descriptions and details currently not available online, please reach out to discuss.