Paratrooper Digital

Category: internet services

Google Search of JS applications


This is the base page that contains content about the generic panel and links to the other panels:

Google Analytics, reporting in real time.

Google announced back in September that they were releasing a new beta program that allows you to see analytics requests happening in real time.

There’s some great tools out there that have been used in the past; Firebug(mac/pc), Charles(mac/pc), Fiddler(pc) to name a few. This is great especially for developers and analytics testers because they can confirm that the tags are working and tracking correctly without waiting past midnight for the information to update. This all assumes of course that those people have access to view the

Back when it was announced one would need to sign up for the program to see it, but now it’s open to everyone.

We’ve recently had a chance to test things out.

It doesn’t appear that filtering is included in realtime measurement, so you’ll still need to wait until after midnight to see how the analytics requests fill up filtered report buckets, so you’ll still need to account for time to test and tweak your report filters.

Testing server side geolocation

For one of our clients we recently had to test server side geolocation that we were putting in place. One option would have been to modify the backend to fake a different IP, but without actually testing the site loading from one of those geographic locations we wouldn’t be sure that it was working.

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Interesting service: jott

jott/ allows a vocal interface to a service that converts voice to text. Using this service you can do things like perform queries, setup notes/reminders, email people, blog; all from your phone. I saw someone else had used this on their blog and it seemed cool, a little odd that you could hear what they said.

FF2007: day 3: Adobe Media Player, changing video delivery.

The presentation on the Adobe Media Player (AMP) was pretty hot. It may not sound exciting, yey another media player. Well this could change the way media is delivered. When 134 million internet users watch over 9 billion videos, and these people compose around 75% of the US population you can see the impact of these numbers. That puts an average of 181 minutes(over 3 hours) in an average of 68 clips per month. People are not watching long videos, probably around 3-5 minutes each. That is a huge chance for content owners to deliver their media. Its big (the numbers above were gathered by the com score July 2007 report). People are changing the way they watch video. They are bringing it into their world on their timeline. Tivo and downloads allow viewers to skip advertising and watch it all on their own terms. Here’s the low down. AMP is AIR powered. Desktop hotness, that means its fueled with some mysql lite database power. It allows you to take your online resources offline. What do the content lists look like? The content blocks are SMIL 2.1 format, so its not reinventing a new wheel, just expounding on an old one. Does it support the playing local flv files? Sure does. Eventually I could see it supporting local playlists. Does it support other encodings than flv? not at the moment. Seems like the new addition of the H.264 codec may make it in as AIR continues to When’s it coming out? The adobe rep mentioned to watch for some announcements centered around the next MAX conference When its released its going to be an alpha release, and of course as AIR is still in beta, AIR will need to be flushed out fully before AMP moves to beta. What kind of ads will it allow? Pre, post, and mid roll advertisements, multiple sizes of banners, and ads that can appear over the video. Yes, thats a ton of options for ad delivery. I’m hoping that providers wont over use these abilities. The ads will be able to be downloaded and cached for offline viewing. All the metrics from ad delivery is going to sync next time the viewer goes online. There’s also a full screen mode that will still take advantage of the ad delivery system, primarily delivering bug ads over the video, but potentially also banners. Its supposed to support time sensitive ads too, it someone is viewing a video offline and an ad expires because its a time sensitive ad, it will stop being delivered, no point in advertising for the super bowl after its over. What about content integrity? They have encryption that allows encryption of ads and video streams to keep the video from being ripped off and uploaded to other sites. I’m sure its a matter of time before it gets hacked, but its better then is available now. It will also keep ads from being removed. The fact that this is included, sucks for viewers that simply don’t want to see ads, but in the end its the ads that are making possible “free” video. If broadcasters can be assured their viewers are getting ads, they will be more likely to deliver media this way. I don’t believe that Windows Media Player or Quicktime player currently support advertisements, so thats a huge thing thats going to drive content owners to AMP as a media delivery platform. Live streaming? Eventually it will probably have abilities to pull down live feeds, but first release is only going to do so much. Download to rent? Download to own? Not yet, but there are plans. There’s also word of a set top box bringing internet tv to the living room; a combatant to the apple tv box. Closed captioning? Yups, I believe its using the new captioning component in flash 9 to deliver the captions. I’m not sure if you have to embed the captions in the video with time points, or if its externalized in an XML feed. What kind of places are hooking up with AMP? Maven and brightcove are just two examples, from what I heard, large broadcasting companies are also on board, more news at MAX. What’s it cost to use AMP? It costs the viewer nothing to download the player(once its available). It costs a content owner nothing if they don’t want to have ads, just use it to delivery content. Of course ad delivery and the content encryption are going to be services that people will pay for or servers they’ll need to own/leverage, most likely FMS 3.0 servers(probably more on the new release at MAX). Who do I contact for more answers about all this? She gave the presentation, but didn’t have the ability to share a ton. She did seem to hint that the MAX conference would potentially see additional information. More information to be available after AMP is available in alpha/beta.

Integration of 3rd party tools

I was reading the book “Getting Real” from 37 signals and saw a quote from the guys that made campaign monitor. It seems like a really cool application. Recently I find myself in the midst of the question build or buy when it comes to client apps. Continue reading

Web 2 and identity.

There’s a ton of hype over social communities these days. It seems to only be getting a bigger bandwagon. You’ve probably already have your flickr account. Potentially have a youtube account. Tom over at myspace has lots of friends, but is getting lonely now that you have a set of blogger, wordpress, movable type, typepad blogs. The old .mac account is getting rusty, but thats ok. Its delicious to keep your bookmarks all in one place. You’ve probaby digg‘d it before, and tag clouds are nothing new to you. Get a pownce account, an instant messenger on crack (powered by Adobe AIR) Publish a twitter stream of consciousness and let your friends know. Its even possible that with wakoopa you are sharing what programs you are using down to the minute. In an age where identity theft is such a high worry, it a wonder that so many people are volunteering information. I guess it might make sense to watch what information you volunteer.

Setting up an advertisement server.

As we work on larger and larger projects the inevitable need to work more with cross site advertising becomes more evident. Plenty of sites have their own media kits available, but they rarely contain all of the information needed, at least it seems(except for the big media sellers: yahoo, aol, etc). I took a look at openads to see what it takes to run an ad server. Continue reading

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